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  1. Installing electric radiators: but how difficult is it?

    Installing electric radiators: but how difficult is it?
    One element which can discourage some people from upgrading their home heating is the disturbance that can occur. Those that live in flats/apartments or homes which are already powered by means of electricity may possibly discover it simpler. Anyhow installing electric radiators in reality isn't as burdensome as you might deem. In recent years the volume in people investing in...
  2. EU lines up new green energy objectives

    EU lines up new green energy objectives
    On October the 23rd EU advocates culminated a domestic 2014 green house gas diminution aspiration of a minimum 40% juxtaposed to 1990 In conjunction with additional elements of the 2030 strategic infrastructure towards climate and energy, as suggested by the European Comission in January earlier this year. The 2030 guidelines seeks every effort to assemble the European Union's economy and...
  3. Low Cost African solar energy could power UK households by 2018

    Low Cost African solar energy could power UK households by 2018
    The scheme could be powered using Tunisian sunshine by 2018, composing sufficient energy for approximately 2.5 million UK dwellings. The TuNur program is lining up a move to distribute nearly two gigawatts of solar powered energy to Britain. However that is only on the condition that the organization can tie up a contract for difference with the UK government. As...
  4. Breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy that could change the world?

    Breakthrough in nuclear fusion energy that could change the world?
    Scientists have been rather dubious by Lockheed Martin's recent declaration of a major discovery in the mist of nuclear fusion. The U.S. based defence manufacture broadcasted last Wednesday that it was working on a fresh compact fusion reactor which could potentially be nurtured and put in place in under 10 years. Although having read Lockheed's press release which is rather...
  5. Possible compromise on EU energy efficiency target?

    Possible compromise on EU energy efficiency target?
    Ed Davey, The UK Energy Minister expressed that compromise should be available towards enhancing energy efficiency 30% by 2030 of which EU members plan to discuss as of next week. The focus for Europe to reach a minimum renewable energy market share of 27% by 2030 has been described by many as a nice compromise from the EU. It means it...
  6. Electric Radiators & Smart Meters A Powerful Combination?

    Electric Radiators & Smart Meters A Powerful Combination?
    Smart meters are in the limelight yet again this week, ahead of the Governments plan to roll out them out into every UK household. Many people including Which? the public spending watchdog are questioning the cost of the units and warning the installation as potentially too expensive. Whether we welcome them or not it looks as though all of us...
  7. Stiffer energy efficiency target would boost Britains economy by £62bn

    Stiffer energy efficiency target would boost Britains economy by £62bn
    Environmentalists say that a 40% reduction in energy use by 2030 via means of efficiency control that by 2030 we should see an increase in Britain's GDP by a whopping £62bn, whilst also creating 40,000 new jobs in the process. Reaching a lower target of 30% would boost the UK economy by £17.3bn and make way for 13,000 jobs, claims...
  8. UK's first floating solar pannel strategy installed

    UK's first floating solar pannel strategy installed
    In 2014 it has become the norm to find solar panels installed across many of Britain's rooftops. Now Solar panels are to appear in a cool new location. Floating on reservoirs. This is fabulous news for households currently reaping the rewards of energy saving electric heating or other eco energy efficient appliances. The UK's first ever floating solar panel project...
  9. Will China's fracking plunge help wean it's way off coal?

    Will China's fracking plunge help wean it's way off coal?
    The two main reason behind China's recent enthusiasm for gas is A) to feed growth, there has to be energy and it must remain affordable to continue the growth generator. But in my eyes more importantly they have got to steer away from coal. Coal currently makes up an eye watering 70% of China's energy make up which has excelled...
  10. Big Six due to refund three million households £153m

    Big Six due to refund three million households £153m
    It is believed that three million households are being notified that they are owed money from the big six energy companies which consist of British Gas, E.On, EDF, SSE, Scottish Power and Npower. Ofgem (the UK energy regulator) issued prompt notice to energy firms that they must reimburse their customers swiftly and highlighted that if they dragged their heels enforcement would follow. The £153 has...

Items 11 to 20 of 61 total