Could a new renewable technology power your electric heating system?
Renewable electricity generation swiftly overtook coal in Q3 of 2015 tipping to 23.5 per cent. A majority of which was accumulated by Solar and wind turbines. The question is are there more efficient approaches unturned? Of course there is! Like any technology there is a continuous cycle of groundbreaking materials and design built using pre-existing materials and technologies to create an even superior design which in turn can offer a more desirable method of application.
Over the last year there has been an interesting study taking place at a Columbia University whereby energy manufactured by bacteria once expanding and contracting could provide a key into a whole new growth of renewable generation. Whilst although the concept is still at a preliminary stage it is believed that the system would be far cheaper than either solar or wind generation.
[caption id="attachment_745" align="alignnone" width="300"]
New bacterial energy generator harnessing the force from evaporating water[/caption]
So how does it work?
Unalike solar or wind generation the technology doesn’t rely on perfect weather conditions to obtain its energy. For that reason it has the capacity to generate energy regardless of the inconsistent weather. Instead it utilises bacterial spores to tap into the energy release from evaporating water. Professor Ozgur Sahin and his team have developed an instrument that creates electricity once spores of bacteria expand and contract in changing humidity. The system works by placing ultra fine layers of spores onto plastic tapes and controlling the quantity of moisture within the air, creating a motion supported by the tapes which creates a force than can be harnessed. The out come is very much like the mechanism of a human muscle, expanding and contracting. The motion is then converted into electricity via a coil and magnet.
[caption id="attachment_746" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Professor Ozgur Sahins new renewable energy prototype[/caption]
The concept would be ideally suited towards large areas of water such as lakes or reservoirs due to the restocking of rainwater. Unseen by the trained eye molecules are constantly practising the form of evaporation. By placing a mechanism where water is evaporating it is then able to collect the moisture, present this to the dry air and also retain some energy. It is believed that the set up costs are only a fraction of current renewable infrastructure and would cost less that six pence per meter square although the current system would require a larger surface area to generator an equivalent amount of power from a system such as photovoltaic technology.
Could the technology power my electric radiators?
Of course, although the only downfall is that the technology requires such a large surface area to obtain the amount of energy equivalent to existing generators. There are currently just three individuals working on the project, with more funding the research and development could open into other areas and evolve into a finely tuned, low cost mechanism that could certainly power your electric heating system. By utilising low carbon, renewable electricity to power your electric radiators there would be minimal impact to our environment. Furthermore the cost of energy could be dramatically less than we are currently paying for fossil fuel electricity. We want to protect our planet, moreover not self destruct. It was only last week than the prominent actor and environmental activist Leonardo Dicaprio made a fierce and heartfelt speech surrounding climate change at this years annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
"We simply cannot afford to allow the corporate greed of the coal, oil and gas industries to determine the future of humanity, those entities with a financial interest in preserving this destructive system have denied, and even covered-up the evidence of our changing climate. Enough is enough. You know better. The world knows better. History will place the blame for this devastation squarely at their feet.”
DiCaprio wen on to emphasise that whilst the Paris agreement issued a structure to work with in the reduction of carbon emissions our planet is still no where close to solving the difficulty. He finished off his speech by announcing that his foundation will be making a 10 million pound commitment to fund sustainable projects.
Whilst powering your electric heating with low carbon renewable technology is currently available to many especially if you posses solar panels. However what can we do to help reduce our emissions a step further. Whilst developing renewable low carbon energy is vital there is also the important aspect in designing electric heating appliances that require less energy to operate. One aspect to low consumption radiators such as the SlimPro is that they make use of a highly precise digital thermostat capable of measuring temperatures to within a fraction of a degree leading to minimal wasted energy. Through a greater number of low energy consumption electrical devices we can reduce our properties energy demand, consequently closing in on the gap of supply and demand. It’s believed that by 2050 we would have enough renewable energy infrastructure in place to support our current global energy demand.
My Electric Radiators are passionate about bringing you the latest energy announcements and opinions throughout the UK. They also supply the latest economy electric heating systems that are designed to help save you money. Moreover My electric radiators are devoted in helping UK households reduce their carbon footprint and minimise their energy bills. to find out more surrounding the latest wall mounted electric radiators then call one of their electric heating experts on 01423 619303 for a free assessment.