David Attenborough backs clean energy research
The English broadcaster and naturalist claims that an Apollo styled race to the moon could hold back climate change.
A race to assemble renewable energy infrastructure at a cheaper cost to fossil fuels has been credited by the well respected Sir David Attenborough. Sir Attenborough maintains that by ensuring renewable energy is lower in price to fossil fuels, this alone would be enough to suspend climate change. The prestigious naturalist has climbed on board with a cluster of renowned scientists and politicians such as Ed Davey, the former UK energy secretary. Mr Davey is has given his support to the 10 year research and development scheme that would see the price of clean energy plummet to an attractively low commodity. One of it’s major obstacles is to be able to efficiently store and distribute renewable energy for times whereby production isn't possible.
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The large proportion of technology advances such as energy efficient electric radiators, which boast impressively low heating expenses for many UK households. It’s down to a combination of technology advances such as intelligent digital thermostats and refined program management. Since the radiators switch off once a rooms designated temperature has been met it’s possible that out of 3 hours worth of central heating the radiators may only consume 1 hours worth of electricity. An immense break through in electric heatings economic running costs has seen more and more UK households and property developers switching to electric radiators. In the long term of course electricity is the future source to heating households across the globe. Especially through renewable energy sources such as solar and wind generation. If successful the apollo scheme would see properties not only in the UK but globally switching to electric radiators due the incredibly cheap electricity tariffs coupled with the low operating consumption.
A large hurdle that remains in the way is financial backing. It’s incredibly upsetting reading figures such as renewable energy research and development receiving around 6 billion US dollars which equates to under 2% of public funded schemes. It really is a drop in the ocean when compared to the colossal 550 billion US dollars currently spend on fossil fuel subsidies.
Electricity from renewables is essential in tackling the challenge. An incredible statistic shows that the sun supplies five thousand times our combined global demand of energy directly to the earths surface. It’s been mentioned on numerous occasions that continents which posses substantial areas of sunlight such as Africa, could play a massive role in cumulating energy with the support of solar photovoltaic panels. It’s well documented that since the 1990’s the cost of manufacturing PV panels has seen a dramatic reduction. Despite a preconceived perception, solar panels do not require cloudless sunlight, unsurprisingly countries such as Germany are leading the renewable energy growth within Europe. It demonstrates that even European countries with inferior sunlight can take advantage from solar energy.
As we all know the weather isn’t constantly windy in order for wind turbines to generate electricity and naturally it gets dark overnight, ceasing the production of solar energy. A puzzling dilemma is electricity storage. Electricity must be harnessed and stored to bridge the gap in supply. An ongoing break through is in batteries, particularly ones supported by lithium ions which are already found in many electrical devices such as mobile phones and laptops. Continuing research has suggested that alternative technologies such as thermal storage, hydrogen and comprised air to name a few could also provide a vital role. Remember that hydrogen has the capacity to be utilised as a source of clean energy for road vehicles. It’s possible that it could even be generated from direct sunlight through a photocatalysis of appropriate materials. Still in order for renewable energy to be successfully transported in a grid, current infrastructure still requires intricate management of counterbalancing demand and supply. It’s noted that updates within grid interconnections are vital for a competent system.
With a global apollo programme that welcomes all entries, it’s feasible to uncover the unruly technologies which can assist in generating clean energy on a colossal scale before it really is too late. Revolutionary energy saving appliances such as economy electric radiators are predicted to play an enormous part in the way we heat our homes. This is already proving an incredibly popular heating appliance and is expected to continue.
My Electric Radiators are proud supporters of energy efficiency and in particular the reduction in climate change. If you you’re intrigued to find out how you can benefit from a low cost electric heating system then why not call them today on 01423 881167 whereby one of their heating experts will be able to guide you through groundbreaking features. Through harnessing electrical appliances such as eco electric radiators that conserve energy you will not only see a reduction in your energy bills but an important reduction in your carbon footprint. Don’t forget to follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest energy news and opinions throughout the UK.
In 1931 one of the greatest scientists of all time, Thomas Edison once said. “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”It was only last week that we heard about the governments agreement to issue fracking licences on 27 locations within the UK. But is this a wise move? Only very recently Daisy Sands, the head of Green peace’s energy campaign voiced that the British government would be much shrewder to invest financially in renewable energy. She went further to explain that there is plenty of hard evidence pointing towards green infrastructure as superior economic decision but also as a wiser goal for the planet. “Just one thing, however, would be enough to halt climate change. If clean energy became cheaper than coal, gas or oil, fossil fuels would merely stay in the ground.” David Attenborough It’s an historical fact that scientists have overcome scenarios where the odds have been stacked against them yet still managed to brute through and reach remarkable achievements. In terms of structure and timescale the scheme is to be simulated around the Apollo missions contest to the moon. It appears as though this really could be a race to preserve irreversible damage to our planet and an immensely important one at that. Scientists believe that if global warming temperatures were secured at less than two degrees celsius then current dangers could be restricted. It would be an astonishing achievement in terms of safety remember that climate change drives the uncertainty of floods, earthquakes and superstorms. [caption id="attachment_615" align="alignnone" width="452"]