Heating a mobile home, cabin, caravan or static trailer
Mobile homes and static cabins allow for a cost effective primary as well as secondary holiday home. Since the majority of mobile homes and cabins are off gird you will inevitably be faced with the dilemma of how to heat your home efficiently. When furnishing your carbon with the correct procedures coupled with fitting the latest heating technology providing your cabin with a warm environment doesn’t need to be expensive. Whether you are a property investor or a private owner below we have provided you with the latest technology and formulas to ensure that your mobile home consumes the least amount of energy needed in order to comfortably heat your property.
Underpinning a static home
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If you can foresee that your mobile home will be static for the coming years ahead then you may wish to explore the possibility of underpinning your home. Underpinning may initially sound like an intrusive and daunting concept yet underpinning is a basic, and relatively inexpensive process that fundamentally conceals any possibility of chilly breezes entering beneath your cabin. The procedure involves low cost materials and can be fitted with anti weather eroding woods or composites. Underpinning your mobile trailer will not only provide as a high quality external upgrade to your properties external aesthetics but will in addition save you money on your heating bill. Through preventing chilly air from entering your cabin will demonstrate a greater heat retention and lessened requirement of energy to power your properties heating.
Solar panels
Installing solar panels for an electricity source is a wise investment. You may be thinking ‘this will cost me a fortune’ while in their early days they might but solar panels have been around for some time now and during this there have been refinements in manufacturing methods allowing for cheaper production meaning cheaper price tags. It is important to remember that mobile homes won’t demand quite as much power as a regular household might. Furthermore the electricity generated from solar panels does not have to be consumed immediately, moreover electricity can be stored for future use with an energy storage battery. Harnessing this power quite is a low cost solution to burning oil and an excellent low carbon heating source.
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Economic heating with slim electric radiators
The most advantageous way to heat a mobile home is with electric heating. With the SlimPro radiator range there is no possibility of freezing pipes or leaking water since they utilise the latest dry thermal technology making them fluid less. That being said there is an additional advantage in that they are by far cheaper to install and are commonly fitted by the purchaser being designed with a DIY fitting and simple everyday plug. If solar panels are present then that very clean energy can power your household appliances and heating system virtually carbon free. One more important aspect to take in is that the SlimPro features a 24 hour 7 day a week digital programming allowing you to set up a weekly heating time table.
Insulate your mobile cabin
Mobile homes often usually posses less insulation than houses so if you are struggling to heat your property efficiently then it may be worth investigating the grade of insulation your cabin currently has. You may consider double or triple glazing your windows. If this is out of your budget then there are secondary glazing systems available such as permanent double glazing frame systems and glazing films which offer a straight forward DIY installation. Another low cost and effective insulation is to remove the internal wall boards and fit with insulation foam which can be sourced from your local builders merchant or hardware store.