Christmas is that wonderful time of the year when we all get together and celebrate family, good health and a prosperous year ahead. With kind hosts entertaining guests this christmas there is not to be underestimated the amount of preparation that goes into the celebration. Pre ordering your favourite foods such as turkey, beef and not forgetting vegetarian or gluten free dishes for certain members of the family with special dietary requirements. There is an awful lot of preparation to consider, selecting the most attractive christmas tree, decorating it and adding the final touches to your households decoration. However there is a fundamental commodity that helps us all enjoy celebrating that little bit more. Heating. Possessing a heating system that can successfully keep all your guests warm and cosy is high on the priority list of tasks to do. Without a warm home Christmas is not particularly enjoyable in discomfort, even if you have sipped on a few sherries or mould wines you will nevertheless continue to feel the cold with an ineffective heating system. You may live in a rural location or an apartment that is fitted with old, ineffective heating devices that are not heating your property as effectively as they should. Old poorly designed radiators that don’t harness the natural convection flow of a room is another common problem. If your property is fitted with outdated heating devices such as a storage heater or panel heater that also provides a poor level of heat then you should certainly consider upgrading to the latest energy efficient electric radiators such as the SlimPro. Just like the horse and cart and a hybrid vehicle it’s inevitable that if your property is fitted with an old outdated central heating system then you will not be benefiting from the rewards of new technology. With low energy consuming electric radiators you can take advantage of the low running costs, unrivalled controllability, low installation expenditure and a cool and stylish device that you can be proud to show off to your guests. Perhaps you are even redecorating a spare room for guests and wondering how you can ensure they have a warm and cosy nights sleep. Don’t worry theres a easy and low cost way to heat your rooms with an energy efficient electric radiator. With state of the art digital thermostats and extensive time and temperature programming capabilities, hour by hour seven days a week you can be rest assured that an economy electric radiator will keep your guests warm and cosy this Christmas. Installation is simple the radiator plugs into the same normal plug socket that you use to power other devices. All that is required is to screw a couple of brackets onto your wall, hang the radiator onto these like you would with a traditional gas powered radiator, plug in and your room will be at a luxurious warm temperature in minutes. Over the years old gas radiators often begin to look aged and discoloured. If your contemplating installing fresh radiator bodies then don’t overlook a new generation of electric heaters than can help save you money from your heating bills. You can take advantage of the ultimate controllability that can revolutionaries your energy bills. Why heat your entire property at a cosy temperature when your not occupying every room? However this doesn’t mean that rooms which are not being occupied don’t have any heating turned on, it merely means that you can heat these rooms on a maintenance level until you come into occupying the room. By programming rooms such as bedrooms to be heated on a maintenance level during the day and a cost temperature around 6pm can prevent wasted energy and help save you money. It’s possible that you wan’t to make use of the beautiful conservatory you own over Christmas allowing for additional rooms for guests to enjoy. There is nothing more beautiful that feeling as though you are outside when you have the protection and comfort of warmth and dry. Spotting the red robins, watching the snow fall and showing others the cluster of stars that make up orion's belt. The only downside to this beautiful piece of architecture is often heating it. Many conservatories have absent heating systems or ineffective ones. With an economy electric radiator you can either wall mount or install using the free standing feet supplied. The beauty of this is that you can heat your radiator separate from any other heating devices from your main property. This in turn means that you can set specific temperatures and times to suit how you make use of the space. At My Electric Radiators we like to keep things plain and simple. If you are not an electrician or electric heating expert we understand that you may be feeling confused as to which sizes electric radiator to choose from. Which is why we have designed an electric heating calculator for our radiators. Simply enter your room dimensions, press enter and your rooms wattage will be instantaneously calculated in less than a second. It may be that your in between a size which we would always recommend to go for the high size, this won’t cost any more to run but will help support your electric heater by causing it to operate with less of a burden. Perhaps your recommended wattages are over the largest size which will mean that you will need to obtain two radiators with a combined total of wattages that will comfortably heat your rooms demand. What ever your heating circumstances ensure that you enjoy your Christmas celebrations in warmth and comfort. My Electric Radiators are passionate about keeping you updated with all the latest energy news and options from around the UK. They also stock the latest economy electric radiators that can help lower your carbon footprint and save you money from your energy bills. If you would like to find out more then don’t hesitate to email [email protected] or alternatively call 01423 881167 to ask our electric heating specialists how you can benefit from economy radiators that can help save you money.