Surge in renewable energy sees global greenhouse emissions stall
Over the last 2 years we have seen a sharp decline in coal power and a global switch to renewable energy sources which has in turn produced a halt in carbon emissions for a second succession in a row. According to a recent analysis by the International Energy Agency, in 2015 there was vast growth in renewable energy generation, mainly through wind together with developments in energy efficiency. These were crucial contributors in maintaining emissions levels for a second consecutive year.
Preliminary data from the report outlined that during 2015 carbon emissions had remained suppressed at 32.1 billion tonnes despite an economic growth of 3%. The data also suggests that renewable electricity played a vital role in sequel, reporting to of accounted for approximately 90% of all new electricity generation in 2015.
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Carbon emission data[/caption]
There is a thrilling sensation in the air following signifiant real world data which outlines that halting climate change is perfectly feasible even with a relentless economic growth. What is even more fascinating is that through equipping properties with state of the art electric radiators which offer incredible energy efficiency and controllability, it’s possible to run our central heating systems from renewable electricity and in turn offer carbon free heating. On top on this there are enormous potential energy savings to be made through taking advantage from extensive hour by hour temperature programming for each day of the week. Quite simply through tailoring heating in rooms when they are in occupancy and programming other rooms to warm up at cosy temperatures when required it’s possible to create endless savings. Remember that once you have programmed your weekly hour by hour schedule it will remain implemented every week. Don’t worry about anyone tampering with your pre programmed settings as models such as the SlimPro designer electric radiator features a specifically designed locking system which enables you to lock each radiators settings from inquisitive button pressing.
Through increasing the energy efficiency of products, our demand for electricity will fall. Couple that with the immense flurry in renewable electricity generation and it soon becomes apparent that meeting a zero carbon emission world isn’t all that unaccommodating. That being said we must collectively work in harmony to continue the halt in climate change. It was wonderful to see that two of the largest carbon emitters (China and the US) collectively reduced their energy associated emissions in 2015. It is fantastic to see China constructing colossal quantities of wind turbines as they recognise that coal powered electricity has reached a demise. That being said it is all well and good decreasing our carbon emission however when other developing countries such as in the Middle East are turning to the opposite cheek it becomes highly frustrating. Nevertheless we have achieved a long awaited halt in carbon emissions for the second consecutive year whilst maintaining an economic global growth of 3.4% GDP which is incredibly encouraging.
My Electric Radiators are passionate about informing you of the latest UK energy news, views and advances. They are also proud suppliers of the latest economic electric heating solutions specifically designed to help save you money. Whats more is My Electric Radiators are devoted to helping UK households and businesses reduce their carbon footprints and decrease their energy bills in the battle for a halt in climate change. To find out more surrounding the latest energy efficient electric radiators call one of their electric heating experts today for a free assessment on 01423 619303 lines are open from 8am - 10pm.