As a result from the continuing development amongst storage and smart technology combined with the plummeting costs in renewable energy, a new survey has revelled that the UK could generate over 80% of it’s electricity supply purely though solar, tidal and wind generation. The research arrives during the same week that Mr Cameron controversially agreed the go ahead to a large scale nuclear power plant named Hinkley Point C, controversially backed by Chinese funding. Ironically in the same week Britain's Prime Minister gave the green light towards a new nuclear energy plant, the chief executive of the UK’s national grid announced that the idea of coal fired or nuclear power stations to be employed as a base load power was ‘outdated’ technology. Renewable electricity growth An immense change is currently underway, the world is unquestionably shifting rapidly towards a more diversely distributed electricity production, especially in terms of micro grids. In particular the sheer quantities of solar electricity being connected to the grid is astonishing. It was recorded that 1500 MW was installed towards the beginning of this year, which in real terms is equivalent to two power stations. The UK Nation Grid works in the company of Future Energy Scenarios, as specified by the scenarios it is to be expected that by 2020 miniature scale electricity production will equate to a whopping third of the UK’s electricity make up. Having said that earlier this year we already saw renewable electricity over take coal supply in our energy mix. However In order for the renewable force to continue it’s highlighted that it would also need to coincide with at least a 60% depletion in heating requirements. This is thought to be fulfilled through a large scale switch to electric heating and higher quality home insulation. Electric shift Within the UK we are undergoing a transition towards a more calculated approach in shopping, especially when purchasing electrical products. Just as Britain’s 5 pence plastic bag tax comes in to force mainly to save energy, it’s also triggered the masses towards an energy saving revolution. People are really starting to realise that global warming is a real danger that isn’t all too far away. Consumers are seeing an immense change with electricity and efficiency, which is the fore front of our future energy supply. Electric cars are no longer a concept but real technology that is already in practice today. Even performance super car manufactures have embodied research and development surrounding an electric base. It’s a challenge but nevertheless there is clear evidence displaying how feasible it is to retain the power structure in operating whilst decarbonising the electricity network. Electric Radiators Britain is realising that renewable energy is a remarkable supply of clean electricity. Many have gone on to make use of their redundant roof space by installing PV solar panels. The fantastic bonus of possessing a renewable energy generator of your own is that firstly the energy is virtually carbon free. Secondly it saves you a large amount of money as you can produce your own energy to supply your radiators compared to purchasing energy directly from the grid. Lastly it enables you to feed that very same clean electricity directly into your electric radiators to heat your property. What’s more is new energy efficient electric radiators consume a fraction of energy per hour. Depending which setting you have programmed your electric radiators, it is possible to consume merely 20 minutes worth of electricity for every hours worth of heating consumed. This is quite frankly remarkable. Consuming less energy Clipping down on emissions isn’t solely down to eliminating the quantities of coal and gas employed to generate electricity. It’s equally important that we see a reduction in the quantities of energy used to heat our homes and businesses. This doesn’t just point towards adding more insulation it signifies a vital switch towards electric heating. Energy saving electric radiators such as the SlimPro, which provides hour by hour temperature programming mean that under operation less energy is wasted. Through heating UK properties with low energy consumption electric radiators means a much cheaper and efficient system compared to constructing brand new power plants to fulfil energy demand. Renewable energy the cheapest electricity source? Falling costs in renewable electricity provide the all important requirement in order for the UK to shift almost entirely towards a green electricity supply. According to a resent study onshore wind farms now offer the lowest cost in electricity in Britain. The reason behind this is due to the continual reduction in manufacturing costs of solar and wind technology, accompanied by continuing increases in fossil fuels. Many are still under the illusion that renewable technology is an uneconomical luxury, yet costs have been vastly plummeting to a point where they are now as competitive in terms of unit cost to ‘dirty fossil fuels’ such as coal and gas. The production expenses of coal and prominently nuclear power continue to rise compared to wind and solar generation which is continuing a falling trend. Initial UK government support has assisted in the reduction of renewable energy costs, allowing for renewable electricity to contend with contrasting technologies. The price in onshore wind farms have fallen to just £55 per megawatt hour, which is a stark contrast to current coal and gas furnaced power plants which at present cost about £75 per megawatt hour. It’s inevitable that renewable energy will ultimately power our energy and heating demand. None the less with the support from brand new technology especially in electric radiators we can assist even further by reducing heating demand for electricity. My Electric Radiators pride themselves in keeping you up to date with all the latest energy news and views right across the UK. Equally they supply the latest energy efficient electric radiators that not only assist in lowering you energy bills, yet also help in the reduction of your carbon footprint. If you would like to find out more surrounding the latest energy efficient heating solution for your property then why not call 01423 619303 to speak to an electric heating specialist. Alternatively if you have detailed heating requirements that you would prefer to send via email then please send to