Woman from Brighton calls for climate change in Twitter reply to Donald Trump
Ivanka Majic from Brighton, UK this week experience the most bizarre circumstance of the newly elected US president Donal Trump unintentionally mistaking her for his own daughter via a Twitter announcement. Courageously Majic aged 42 utilised her 5 minutes of fame to speak brazenly towards Trumps earlier views surrounding his denial of climate change. Coincidently Ivanka is a former digital director for the Labour party, insisting that she is more concerned in highlighting the danger of an environmental denier in the White House than a blunder by the US’s newly elected president.
Majic’s Twitter followers staggeringly doubled over night as she was shunned into the lime light by Trump’s 20.1 million Twitter followers whom will be officially sworn in as president this Friday. Her twit was in response to Trumps accidentally tagging her into a tweet which was destined for his daughter. Majic’s response was graceful tweeting a data poll which highlighted that 97.5% of publishing climatologists and 90% of all publishing scientists baked the human instigation of climates change. Trumps tweet has not noted to amend the error and is currently still available to view via his twitter account.
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When interview by the Guardian Majic explained that it wasn’t the first time she had been included in a tweet with Trump although it was the first that he had retweeted. Amusingly she went further to describe another common tweet she is often mistaken for is a Hungarian concrete company called Ivanka however she explained that this is easy to deal with. Impressively Ivanka used her 5 minutes of fame to draw awareness of her and many alike of the disapproving believes Trump has held surrounding climate change.
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